NIRI Chicago NextGen
The NIRI Chicago NextGen program is designed to meet the needs of up-and-coming investor relations practitioners who have been in IR for less than five years and are newer in their careers. This program offers many benefits to help you succeed, including educational programs offered at no additional charge or at a discount, as well as outstanding opportunities to network with IR and capital markets leaders. There’s no time like today to take advantage of our NIRI community’s wealth of knowledge by joining NIRI and NIRI Chicago through our NextGen program.
NextGen Benefits
Getting Ahead in IR
NIRI Chicago offers educational events, webcasts and online resources to elevate your IR knowledge. NextGen members will learn from thought leaders and industry experts about IR basics and best practices, including how to create and strengthen your IR program. Our chapter also offers insights on new developments and key hot-button subjects that touch IR, such as shareholder activism, ESG communications and international investor outreach. Plus, NextGen members have access to the wealth of knowledge offered to NIRI members on our national organization’s website,
Establishing Your Network
Our dynamic group of IR practitioners gathers regularly, enabling NextGen members to engage with experienced, well-respected professionals and bring new knowledge back to the office. These networking opportunities can help you build a peer network, find go-to colleagues to consult about IR issues you’re facing and achieve day-to-day success – boosting your career trajectory.
Discounted Memberships
IR officers who qualify for the NextGen program can take advantage of a discounted annual membership for up to two years. This represents significant savings – more than $600 per year for up to 2 years! – when compared to the regular cost of membership in NIRI national and NIRI Chicago.
NextGen members receive the full benefits of both the national organization and Chicago chapter, including regular industry updates, publications, professional development programs and access to NIRI’s Career Center.
Join NIRI Chicago NextGen Today
Ready to join? If interested, please contact