Since our founding in 1971, NIRI Chicago’s mission has been to advance the practice and visibility of investor relations while enhancing the professional expertise and stature of our members. In keeping with this mission, we seek to:
- Offer a collaborative community to advance engagement in the capital markets and drive best practices in corporate disclosures, governance and informed investing.
- Improve the knowledge and skills of our members through informative programs and networking opportunities with other professionals in IR and related fields.
- Promote high ethical and professional standards in the investor relations function.
- Provide a forum for members to present their views, share experiences and broaden their understanding of IR matters in an environment that encourages friendly interactions.
- Maintain a spirit of community among our members.
NIRI Chicago Benefits
- Network with other IR professionals – often mentioned as one of the best ways to improve your professional skills, employment prospects and career satisfaction. NIRI Chicago is the only local organization that brings together professionals in investor relations.
- Hone your skills. We offer programs that put you face-to-face with local IR practitioners who have real-world knowledge about IR strategy and tactics.
- Keep up with trends. Newsletters and programs from NIRI Chicago and NIRI help you track the key issues in finance/accounting, communications, marketing and securities law compliance that affect our field.
- Find resources online. NIRI Chicago continues to enhance its website and other communications vehicles, supplementing the wide array of IR information on NIRI's website.
- Get to know service providers and consultants. Find great sources for key IR services by visiting the sponsor showcase at our annual IR Workshop, networking at events or browsing our website. It's helpful to know who's out there and what they offer – before you need them.
- Plan your career. Whether you plan to stay on the investor relations career track or if this is a rotational assignment, we offer resources and contacts to help you enhance your skills – and just maybe, find your next position in IR.